Tuesday 4 January 2011

ups and downs....

ok well maybe more downs lol - Ried-hells firmly on feet and once more into the breech! Team Tard assembles itself for more practise and after a few drills we get split up!! Time for some training drills so its all stops, weaving and falls - yay!!

The stops aren't so bad, each of our little groups cheers each other on when we achieve what is necessary which is fab! Ok so I chose to plow stop each time but hey its a stop! Whistle blows and we're on to weaving, we all seem to manage that ok - maybe not coming back on one skate all the way but practise makes perfect right? The we get onto the falls, I don't mind this as I like doing falls - ok so I worried Josh when I slammed down on both knees but trust me, no sense no feeling lol. What did worry me is the fact that once minute I'm standing next to the wall, the next BAM! on my butt landing firmly on my skate - only thing hurt, my big toe! yeah I can't figure it out either.

Still its all good, still totally hating the wheels (am in the process of researching new ones) but I'm still going onwards :)