Tuesday 4 January 2011

seeing stars

ok, am having to catch up on the last 2 sessions here so stick with me ok!

Saturday - feeling good, taking Elmer Thud skating with me today and we leave in plenty of time to get to the STAR centre - I've been really good and bought a bus pass too so I have no excuse not to get into Cardiff! Anyways, we arrive nice and early, get kitted up and after doing a few laps I realise I may need to stretch out a bit more as my lower back was really hurting :s so I take myself off and do some more stretching, its only the first hour so plenty of time to catch up with practise I think :) All the while Elmer's going 'mum, look at me....look! do I move again' lol

So I get back over to the main area, sit and grab a quick drink and am all set to join in with the weaving/fall drill, but after getting no more than 2 'paces' from the chairBAM! I catch my wheels and smack down on my coccyx (I believe a few obscenities were muttered at that point and tears held back while cursing my own stupidity) 2mins for recovery and I decide I was gonna give the game a try anyway but after doing a simple knee fall I realise its gonna mean shooting pains up my back so I admit defeat - thus spending the remainder of my weekend on diclofenac and sat on a hot water bottle!

Wednesday - back's feeling better than it has been so off to free skate I go (thanks toRhian again!) tentatively get kitted up again and set off at a gentle pace, all the time in the back of my mind thinking 'if you fall on your arse again it's gonna hurt twice as much!' - total lack of self confidence evident eh! Then it dawns on me, sticky skating! I need to practise and see how far I can actually get so it's an ideal time to do so! Ok so I start out doing the kiddie thing of watching my feet but after some fab encouragement from coach Lemme Atom I stop feet watching and keep going with it, I can continuously sticky skate for almost 2 laps :D its not the hugest distance I know but its a start right? and each little achievement makes me feel a bit more confident :) Now if I can just convince the coaches to start a reward chart system with stickers....hey it works for my kids! lol

Gotta shoot for now - the FedEx man is at the door :D we know what that means FINALLY!!