Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Couldn't stop a pig in a porch....

and that's the perfect description for derby stance! Mondays training session bought with it much hilarity, both in the session and the car journeys. Usual banter on the way in with Rhayfen, Up Ya Jonsey and Knuckle Sandwich Nancy about life and its wonders.

The hall last night was uber freezing, now I know you think I exaggerate there but, having been without central heating all day so was acclimatised to the cold, it was enough to bring on a shivering fit. Still, pads on, skates on and off we go! Warm up, stretches and Abadabadoo announces we're doing pyramids tonight - ooh, sounds little did I know. For those of you unfamiliar with pyramids, basically you're split into 2 groups - group one skating 1 lap while group 2 do whatever exercise is decided til the last skater crosses the line then you switch. This goes on right up to 5 laps, then you work your way from 5 to one repeating the exercises. Squat thrusts, planks, fast feet, the works! Now, having had serious words with myself I was determined to keep up - OK, maybe not with the speed yet but I'm working on that, but the exercises it was a case of go on gal! You can do it! By the end, I was hot and tired but pleased with myself even if my ankles were screaming at me (although the wife has promised to buy me new ones - score!)

From there we were split off, the less confident and newcomers to work on crossovers which I think I've got now, I just need to force myself to do them! From there Catriona took us to work on lateral skating and passive blocking - I think I've got it, I certainly felt sturdier on my skates last night, the old confidence is creeping back!

And so, it was time to leave once more - endorphins a plenty going on in the car and just over half way into the journey home Rhayfen and I must have done impressions of half of comedy central! Needless to say Up Ya Jonsey and Knuckle Sandwich Nancy now think I am a loon, laughing at nothing getting out of the car til my side was aching! Oh and talking about aching, no aches this morning - win!

Now, car pool ladies, need I mention slip on skates? Velcro attached padding? rickets? hahaha what goes on in the car, stays in the car.........
