Friday, 4 February 2011

Stalk the postie!

Guaranteed he'll be here at something like 12.55 as its a 'before 1pm' delivery! Would help if you know what the heck I was on about though eh?

Remember way down the post list I mentioned I bought R3's? Well, turns out I've been skating in the wrong size! The foot pain and the cramps I've been having in them (as well as the Reidell Toe!) have been associated with me trying to grip in my skates with my toes. I wasn't 100% sure of this so thought I'd go along to our local skate shop and try a size smaller than I'm in now and all I can say is *Ace Ventura voice* Like A Glove!!! So, as I'd taken the local skate shops advice previously which is what landed me in this situation I wasn't giving them a second chance. A quick call to James at Skate Bristol and I have a pair of Suregrip GT-50s on their way to me to be delivered this morning! I can't rate Skate Bristol high enough for their help, we were talking about different wheels for an age (I'll be getting them soon James, promise!) and as they're not a bricks and mortar shop they are able to keep their prices down as well as try and get anything you're after - seriously folks, give them a try! will be a day of fun, postie stalking, moving onwards with life and having fun in the bay later, but that's for another blog ;)

oooh was that the doorbell...................
