Monday, 23 May 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (and mend?)

A lot has been going on in my life over the past day or so which has involved some heartache, some screaming and some tears to be shed. It has also seen me developing and penting things up to take out on the track, this may or may not be a good thing but to quote the fab lady who inspired my name "I'm not stupid. I know exactly what's going on, and I'm not fighting it. If I have to go through this, I will glean from it any small benefit I can receive. I will not fight this. Bring it on. Bring on the cure. Bring on the fucking happy. I'm committed."

It has also seen me taking stock of other areas where I am going wrong, no point just having the positive mental attitude if your body can't back it up, right? All mouth and no trousers is not the way I intend to play, so I went to investigate Derbalife. Having heard so many good things about it and talking to Krissy Krash and Red N Roll I decided it was for me and under Reds guidance now have a plan. I am also intending to become a Derbalife UK coach as I know I'm not the only one in the same dietary boat.

I received my order this morning and can't wait to get started! Wish me luck!

