Sunday, 17 July 2011

Movers and Shakers

Wow do I have a load to tell you! After a marked absence from blogging I figure I own an explanation at least :)

To start, some news - I am no longer a CRoC. I won't go boring you with all the he said she said etc and details but after careful consideration I decided it would be more beneficial to skate with a more local team, so that's what I'm doing now. I wish CRoC all the best for the future and hopefully see you on the track ladies ;)

So, who's the new league I hear you ask lol - I am now a Valleys Roller Doll! I am very excited as we're only just forming as a league and getting some social skate sessions under our belt before officially ending recruitment and closing our doors. I've met some fabulous ladies so far and its being very well received in the area (even if we are having to fight for training space) and to top it all off we have our first 'team awareness/fundraiser' coming up next week :D

I'll keep you informed on my new journey but for now go find my league on Facebook, you'll love us! ;)

